It's  really frustrating when you are downloading a file of about 1gb with your UC browser and it stops downloading at 900+mb (about 80mb remaining). It's very painful to the phone user because he/she have wasted 3 things which are; Data, Battery and Time lol.
I, being a victim also advice some of my friends to use Adm (Advance download manager) but that ain't a solution from my own point of view so i decided to make some research to get something done. God being so nice to my research, I get positive solution to end the mess.

✔ Once you are downloading a file and it stops, pause the download and minimize the browser

✔ Go to your storage location and locate the folder UCDownloads.

✔ Now you should find two things in the download folder. The main download files and a temporary download file with the extension (.dltemp)

✔ Click and hold to mark and Move both files, ( The Main and temporary files) to a new/different folder

✔ Now minimize and go back to UC Browser and resume download

✔ Now the file should start downloading from the beginning. Just wait for about 60secs and pause the download again

✔ Go to your storage; UCDownloads and delete the two files there

✔ Now go back to the new folder/different folder you move the first files to (Step 4). Copy the files and paste them back into the UCDownloads folder.

✔ Now resume download and see the magic!

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